No Evening Service: Afternoon Service after Potluck Luncheon 

Please know that you are welcome at Trinity Baptist Church. We desire that your visit be refreshing and enjoyable for your whole family. You will meet kind people, experience joyful music, and be presented with helpful teaching and preaching from the Bible.


When are your services?

          9:30am Sunday School
         10:30am Morning Worship Service
          6:00pm Evening Worship Service
          6:45pm Children's Program (2 years old-6th grade); Youth Group (7th-12th grade)
          7:00pm Adult Bible Study & Prayer 


What can I expect on my first visit?

When attending our Sunday morning service, you can enjoy the beautiful music of the choir, ensembles, and soloists. The music is followed by a clear, helpful, and challenging Bible message from our Pastoral Staff and guest speakers. This service is a little over one hour in length. Also, before the Sunday morning service there are Sunday School classes for all ages. These classes are smaller in size and allow for a more thorough study of God's Word. The best way to get to know people at Trinity Baptist Church is to visit one of these adult Bible classes.


Where do I take my children?

At every service there are safe, clean, and highly-staffed nurseries for children under 2. Mothers will receive a pager so that the nursery attendants can easily contact them if there is a need. Children 2 years old through 6th grade attend fun, friendly, and Bible-centered classes. 

Upon your arrival, we will help you find the appropriate nurseries, classes, and services for every person in your family. Our greeters and ushers in the lobby will gladly help direct you to the right place.


What about my teens?

On Sunday mornings, teens attend a Bible class for one hour (starting at 9:30am) and then attend the worship service with their parents at 10:30am.


Other questions?

If there is something we missed on this list, just give us a call, or ask someone when you arrive. Whether you're new to the area and looking for a church home, or if it's been a long time since you've attended church at all, we hope your first visit with us will be wonderful! We are looking forward to meeting you!