No Evening Service: Afternoon Service after Potluck Luncheon 

Friday Night  7:00pm - 9:00pm


RU is a biblically based, Christ-centered recovery program, designed to rescue, recover, and restore those in addictive behaviors with the power of the hidden life found only in Jesus Christ. We begin each Friday night with a video from founder Steve Curington, who presents us with a biblical principle needed for recovery.

Class Schedule: Talk, Talk, Talk! 


First we talk to God in prayer. You will be encouraged as we take time for prayer requests and hear testimonies of victory over addictions. These are real-life, relevant stories of people just like you, who are experiencing freedom over their addictions.



In the second talk we divide into small groups for counseling. You attend the same group each week, which helps you to be comfortable with your group leader, helper, and other students. The leader and helper will support you outside of Friday night as well.



During the third talk, we allow God to talk to us through a lesson from the Bible. We look to the truth of God's Word to see what God says about addictions. There are many great principles in God's Word that are integral to your recovery process. Following the third talk, there is a time of refreshments and fellowship where you can meet fellow students and workers who love you and want to help you.


Every Friday evening a nursery is available along with an exciting children's program.


Transportation is available if needed.