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Ladies Seminar 2016

Banner Ladies Seminar 2016 Letter HeaderNo doubt we have all heard the nursery rhyme phrase, “How Does Your Garden Grow?”, but with our spiritual lives in mind, how often do we ask ourselves this question? God wants us as His children to be growing, continually developing and being molded and shaped more like our loving Savior! Let me encourage you and your ladies as well as teens to join us for this enriching seminar, “How Does Your Garden Grow?”
We are excited and thrilled to have author, counselor, and women’s conference speaker, Mrs. Debi Pryde! She and her husband Tom are active members of Lighthouse Baptist Church in La Verne, California. The Lord has led Debi to give herself full time in ministry and Biblical counseling. She has a heart for women and a burden to help them with the many challenges they face today.
Dr. Linda Norrell will be with us for our seminar. Dr. Norrell is a beloved family physician here in the Genesee County area. She will be sharing some very practical truths on this most important topic during our ladies session.
Mrs. Diana Norrell Harney will be doing two special sessions with the teens. Diana has a deep passion and burden for the special needs in the lives of teenage young ladies. Let me urge you to encourage your teenage young ladies to attend this great seminar!
Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. and will also include pre-seminar coffee, juices and morning delights. The book tables will be available at this time for those desiring to purchase Christian resource materials. The seminar will begin promptly at 8:45 a.m., with a mid-morning break and will conclude at 1:15 p.m. The cost per person is $10 for those who pre-register or $15 at the door. There will be no charge for any church staff pastor’s wife. Please pre-register by filling out the downloadale form and return it to us with a check for the total amount postmarked by Monday, March 7, 2016.
Mark your calendars for March 12. Remind your friends and be praying for a great day, one that will make a difference in each life for all eternity!

Downloadable Resources

Ladies Seminar Brochure

Ladies Church Seminar Registration Sheet

Ladies Seminar Small Poster


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